Bob Gotti

Progressive Sanctification

By God’s Grace, I am what I am, all through the Blood of The Lamb,
Not only am I saved my friend, by God’s Spirit, I’m now Born Again,
Born from above in the Spirit of God, to live anew upon earth’s sod,
Granted by The Lord a New Life, to live for The Savior, Jesus Christ.
I am not yet just what I should be, as my Lord God is working in me,
By sanctification I am set apart, as God continues molding my heart,
Now, seated in Heaven with Christ, as He transforms my present life,
To live for God in this world of sin, lead by His Spirit, dwelling within.
My sanctification continues in life, even while I am seated with Christ,
This, as I now live for The Lord, with my spirit and His, in one accord,
Through The Spirit Who dwells inside, helping me, in Christ, to abide,
As I make changes to live anew, as The Holy Spirit leads me through.
Being fully justified all by faith, we now have peace, by God’s Grace,
Peace with God all through this life, this through The Lord’s sacrifice,
In Christ we receive reconciliation, with The God of our sanctification,
It is by Christ Grace does reign; while in me he makes Godly change.
Progressive sanctification friend, is what Christ continues to the end,
For He, Who began a work in me, shall finish it as I step into eternity,
When all former things will be behind, with a fully new heart and mind,
This as I step into Eternal Life, now totally changed with Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©01/2014 Bob Gotti)
