Bob Gotti

Expected Change

Only God above changes hearts; The One behind as one departs,
From a life that is filled with in sin, when God’s Spirit, lives within,
But, many have only a head belief, and from sin there is no relief,
From their present sinful life, not personally knowing Jesus Christ.
They just struggle day and hour, never sensing The Spirit’s power,
Acknowledging Truth as they hear it, but, not indwelt by The Spirit,
God’s Holy Spirit sent to men, but, only when they are Born Again,
Born of God from Heaven above, by God’s Spirit Christ spoke of.
Many men acknowledge The Lord, but day by day God is ignored,
Living every day, on their own, ignoring Authority of God’s Throne,
God’s Power, that changes a life, who truly comes to Jesus Christ,
God’s Authority to make one whole, as the Spirit indwells that soul.
So professed believers do stumble, as their heart was not humble,
When they professed knowledge of, our Lord God reigning above,
With their present spirit of pride, God’s Holy Spirit wouldn’t reside,
In the heart of the professing soul, so in life they’ll continue to fall.
A Truth that comes with Salvation, is God’s Work of Regeneration,
As God’s Spirit changes everyone, who truly comes to God’s Son,
Change that Scripture makes clear, that in each believer will appear,
But, if change you do not see, you may not know Christ personally.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)
