Bob Gotti

Belief In Christ Alone

When in Jesus Christ you believe, Eternal Life you will receive,
Your faith alone is all you need, if Christ’s words you will heed,
I am the Way, the Truth and Life, Truth spoken by Jesus Christ,
The same Truth that is true today, no matter what man may say.
No one will see God, but by Him, Christ who saved us from sin,
Only through The Son we’ll see, The Father and God of Eternity,
The Lord, Who died on Calvary, to provide life, for you and me,
Jesus Christ, God’s Only Son, holds Eternal Truth for everyone.
But, some continue adding to, The Truth spoken to me and you,
Jesus own words “It is finished,” by false teachers is diminished,
Teaching which adds to His Truth, leading only to God’s reproof,
As The Father will truly condemn, all the False Teachings of men.
Not heeding what Christ had said, they all remain spiritually dead,
Remaining dead in all their sin, ignoring The Truth spoken by Him,
Implying that we must do our part, from salvation they will depart,
To a belief where Satan lurks, around a salvation of man’s Works.
Men adding to The Truth of God, will only see God’s judging rod,
And for subtracting from Revelation, they shall not see Salvation;
Remember Christ’s Gospel Truth, and receive life not His reproof,
Through faith alone, in Jesus Christ, you shall receive Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)
