Scott Clark

Golem Land

A golem land of misty dreams.
Solemn and
what it seems.
Abondoned, lonely, possessed with fear
Listen well, hear it whisper "Come near , Come near."
Walk more careful, step more slow.
Avoid to find what demons know.
What lyes between death and dread
What lyes beyond, behind, ahead.
Who will comfort
all have gone
Just you inside this land alone.
Something scatters in the darkness
Someone screams "Alone at last!"
Someone moans, cries, then yells
"Take me away!
Wicked spells!"
An ugly beast moves down the trail,
Your body is frozen, weak and frail.
Eyes of blood
teeth sharp and wet.
His claws reach out
His victim set.
You die again
a gruesome plight.
You awake and find a moonlit night.
Look around
this you find.
Grab your head
you loose your mind,
'A golem land of misty dreams
solemn and what it seems............"
