Blossom Sol

Progress from the white washed walls.

So I am sitting there
in an over used chair
staring at this
silver foxed lady
of slandering bickering words
that ooze into my mentality


I am saved by a some what
out of perspective.

So anyway,

Picture here,
the scene.

She glamorises the gutter
with 'darling' and 'babe'

But I shall give her some credit,
to top up her speaker phone
for she is calm and collective
and does not seem to have any sort of background moan.

Anyway! To the point:
As she speaks,
I see.

Yes please, please, keep speaking at me.

Keep telling me how to allure the customers you yearn,
yes my silver lady,
I am willing to learn.

As she talks from a mouth that has created a permanent frown,
the lines I can see, are wearing their own crowns.

I watch her body move against the white wall
in her zebra print top
this elder woman is cool.

But anyway! To the point!

I am stuck in this joint,

but she soothes me with physical pleasures,

I watch her soul dance out of her body,
her electric soul is burning right out
and I am in awe looking at her
like no one else is about.

Yet the room is filled with more electricity then i can bare
but instead i blank out
and just stare and stare

then suddenly COLOURS!

First it is green,
why is this her aura, that I see before me?

I look to the left,
the cute blonde in pink
her energy is blue,
my heart is to sink
in such an electric ocean in front

My delicate eyes have performed such a stunt!

Two actors ahead,
giving wonders to my secret head
I watch the energies dance
I watch two souls create
from the movement of their little hands
the energy keeps changing state.
