Karen Degnan Foiles

Just Me My Friend

Just me popping in
Seeing how ya been
Popping by is my style
Just where do I begin…

I wanted you to know
That I have missed you so
I'm sorry I have neglected
My true friend I have respected

My life is a whirlwind
In this spectrum called life
And is anything but sublime

Some days are like a roller-coaster
There are highs and lows
Some are fun and some scary

I know why I'm scared to call
It'll stir up old memories
That I'm not ready to deal or feel

I miss you my friend
I miss your laughter and your tears
I miss our friendship over the years

Not a day goes by
That I don't think of you
And I promise I will call you

This was written for a very good friend I have lost touch with.

