Silence of the Shepherd

You said,''stop.''
And Silence came between us,
Like The Horsemen of the apocalypse,
The harbinger of the judgment day.
You said, ''stop.''
And silence came between us,
Like the scythe of the Grim reaper,
To take my Precious away.
You said, ''stop.''
And silence came between us,
Like The Mighty Excalibur,
As if to pass the rightful judgement.
You said, ''stop.''
And silence.....................
As if Medusa's curse turned me to,
A lifeless stone.
You said, ''stop.''
And silence.....................
It is like the Hammer of Thor,
That pounded my heart,
With frightful force. 
You said, ''stop.''
And silence.....................
It is like The Susano,
that tormented my peaceful heart.
You said, ''stop.''
And silence.....................
It is like the deepest ravine,
That stands between You and I.
You said, ''stop.''
And silence.....................
It is like a thousand needles,
That puncture my heart,
with needless ferocity.  
You said, ''stop.''
And silence.....................
It is like the endless absence,
Of your enchanting voice.
It is a wooden box and Me,
Six feet under, in my very own grave.
