Kahlia Mazacalletti

A Broken Heart

It has been so calm in the house
Since our last argument; you could beg for more than silence
I surmise that it is almost over
The tension is unbearable; who dares, wins
I know my heart will be broken , but will keep beating, nonetheless
Why must you be so distant in your efforts to make me feel so alone
Love to me is like a war, easy to start but hard to stop
We were more than lovers once; we were friends
Friends who smiled at each other and didn't go out in a crowd to smile at strangers , instead
Why must you be so heartless in finishing our lives together, so cold
Like the snow gathering on the window pane
Once more I beg you to finish it as it started; a tear runs down my cheek
Please take your leave and I'll take mine; a fine goodbye and a good wish for the future

