Valerie Dohren

Ode To A Lost Love

"Oh sweet breath of eternal life
Dance ever ‘pon her silent breast
Released from pain and worldly strife
The one I love is laid to rest"

Her flaxen hair, like golden corn
Fell soft about her lifeless face
And round her shoulders to adorn
As limp she lay in death’s embrace

Still young, the bloom of youth today
Her life had barely yet begun
But all too soon to fade away
No more to dance beneath the sun

No more to laugh in sweet delight
Nor skip through pastures, wild and free
Nor hear the nightingales sing bright
In pure and perfect harmony

"I`ll ne’er forget her tender smile
Nor yet her face, so sweet and fair
Her gentle kisses to beguile
I`ll cherish every thought of her"

The teardrops glistened on his cheeks
Like stars plucked from the darkened skies
He held her hand, no more to speak
Then gently kissed her still, cold eyes
