Kahlia Mazacalletti

War Games 101

I am lost-I need that game CLUE
I feel like I have been through a war
I have been captured and tortured
But maybe I can escape-I do not know
I don't have my dog-tags
13 rounds of ammunition
Still trying to dig out bullets
I am definately the private here
And getting court-martialed
Do I get a medal for Valor or just a commendation......?
Should I re-enlist?
Someday My war will be over and I can live in Peace
Please call the paramedics, I am wounded
Please call the M.P.'s, I have been assaulted
I need a helmet just to protect my mind
They even murdered Jesus and He suffered more than HE should have
I have to walk into the opposing force head-on
And I do not have a white flag.......

