Fatmata Kaikai

Beautiful in My Own Way

What do we call beauty?
Are you beautiful because you are a size 0
and are 5'9 feet tall with blond hair and blue eyes and big
Are you beautiful for your long soft leg? 
Are you beautiful because your hair drops to your waist? 
To the world that is what we picture when we talk about beauty. 
To me I am not beautiful; But I am exquisite.
I may not have pale skin or light skin; But I love my golden fair
I may not have blue, green or even gray eyes; But I love my
dark brown eyes that I used to see upon the world.
I may not be extremely skinny; But I love my petite curvy figure.
I may not be tall at all; But I love my short sexy self.I may not have straight pointy nose; But I love my flat nose.
I may not have long soft sexy legs; But I love my short soft leg.I might not have the biggest breast; But I love my perky breast.

I might not have wide eye; But I love my small chingy eye self.
I might not have long flowy hair; But I love my dark brown short soft curly hair.
I might not have the tastes lips; But I love my full lips.I can care less what you think of me anymore.
To what is beautiful to you but to me I know I am beautiful in my own way from my head to my toe.
 If you have a problem with my sexy sensual self than that's really sucks to you doesn't it.
I'm loving myself each and every day.
 One step at a time. Because you stand there with such disgust in your face envious of the attention I bring upon myself.
 Thanks because of you I finally learned to love my self and say that I am B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L in my own way that I can only be.

