Kahlia Mazacalletti


I shot an arrow through your heart; it is an act of terror and hurt
We never go on dates but you expect me to put out
I seek vengence for my anger
All those years gone by like a speeding bullet
And I am the one in Therapy??
I do not understand the lack of concern for myself
Yet, I am all consumed by your actions
You are flippant and callous in so many ways
I tell myself truth lies in REVENGE
I have gotten so bitten by your sharp tongue, I feel stabbed
How many stitches have I had because of you?
I am a recluse in my own life
It is only fitting to get you back for all the things you have done
But, I do not have the energy or the time
People say with age comes wisdom
I am an Owl, You are an Ass

For all the battered women still suffering..........                      

