Kahlia Mazacalletti

The Tree

I sat out on my patio and thought of her today; she lights up the sky
Is that star her, or is it just my imagination
Where would I be in this whirlwind of life had it not been for her
Lost in my own confusion and mindlesss choices
Her tree is very tall now-8 years grown, like her passing
It looks a little withered like me; as I walk by her house
That the new people live in, they are very nice, but it is her house
I asked her daughter yesterday if she would move the tree to her place and she said "NO", you NEED IT......I do; I miss her so
But Paradise is her new home and her Golden Trees do not need my care; I will continue to water this one
I cast the sawblade to myself weekly just by going to that tree; but it is my duty to see that it has many branches, an extension of her life
Legacy, to follow the leaves as they fall into the winter night one by one
She is telling me she is here with me now

