
Unsweet America

America is no more that gorgeous lady
After whom everyone used to go crazy
I hear poor America is getting sick and achy
And of this truth we are no more cagey
Isn’t the once-strong dollar getting shaky?
And no one knows into which pit dives thy economy
America, my once-hottest baby,
The world is most beautiful in its diversity
But why compete for more and more hegemony?
America, put on your eyes and look at your streets’ hungry,
Alkies, beggars, homeless… and helpless junkie’!
Don’t you think them and the world need a bit of your mercy?
Isn’t it high time you called home the boys of your Navy?
Or are you happy the way they got the world messy?
America, my once-hottest baby,
You know how much I care and love thee

But I want you to grow up and be a woman that brings glee
Into our heavy hearts and heartily fights the ghost of poverty
America, will you be able to cleanse of hunger our beloved country?
Dear America, mature and make thy people happy!
