
Kerouac's Cum

Unabriged like cannon fodder stemming systemic from the pits of anguish. Grammar lost like the anton unkonow for the realms of space collapse in deformity with heads shaking and quaking in orgasmic revolt against blue sky systems. Breaking like the mystic river in orgasm. Orgasm Orgasm Orgasm Orgasm. Of sound that gropes me in the purple streams of psychedelia. Drugs are the breaking point of consciousness between incoherence the new system is being created and uninterated in despondent pleasure. White light Withitle white light you are the star for the orgasm. Miss where are you  from I ask just to know. The places of incandescense where the doctors come to masturbate their good deeds. O appreciated like the withering family. Withering. Withering withering. Psycholocial ecstasy in the unhappiness that warmly raps the reader seeking and answer. Creation is formless in language and the lights pour in after the formation of darkeness in structure. Un refined brilliance in the post lecturinal knwolege of memory they will see they will see they will see they will see repeated typing in rhythm to the qualking loins of the universe coming to fuck me I can only love you as part of the all you are the light I chacse foreversadness sadess sadness sadness sadness comes whipping through as I think of you you you you you you I love you and you runawayyyyyyy who is calling me this collection of beam. Who kills the cat sleeping like the way of the light who are you who are you I’m playing a kyeyboard and only words come out dripping grey from the looping London air. I play nothing there is play
