Stephen J. Vattimo

When Fog Sets Down

Some times fog set down on the path we travel

     We get confused which way is the right road to travel

     Because we aren't sure if there is a black or white answer to our direction

     So we stumble and we fall
     as we try to find our own way through the fog

     So we in our panic
     send up a prayer toward heaven
     Like a smoke signal, trying to help the Lord to find us in the fog

      But God reminds us
      there is no place that can hide us from His eyes

     So He whispers gently in our ear
     Peace be still
     open your ears and eye to Me
     I will guide you back to safety

     Some times fog sets down on the path we travel

     We get confused which way is the right way to travel

     In our own panic
     we try to find our own way out of the fog

     So we stumble and we fall

     Silent Songs: written by Stephen J. Vattimo
     Aug 8 , 1998
