Sasha Damien


That’s my soul in flight, across freedom
Winging through meadows, calm, and soaring high
I look down and see no one, not a single person
Just the flowers singing in the sunshine wash

The wind across my face, it is gentle on me, I am home
The elation I know is forever, I am a speck that was life
Spiraling in vantage, I am now free, in release
No mars, no scars from the old talons of humanity

I can sing, my voice clear over buried hurts
Carrying the crystal sparkle of my guileless spirit
I am luminance that the light carries as its heritage
Unleashed in my essence, I finally find my sanctuary

Goodbye earth, your dimensions couldn’t hold me
You cant have been my mother ever
You are browning yourself, with the trauma around you
Lets meet again when you find your release…
