Bob Gotti

Joy In A Dark World

Though this world may be sad, The Lord Jesus makes one glad,
A Fortress for you in any place, surrounding you with His Grace,
Providing you joy, deep inside, that, by a world can’t be denied,
While filling you with God’s Light, in a world where wrong is right.
Living in this world, without hope, The Lord Jesus helps us cope,
Filling us with a joy and peace, that in a dark world will not cease,
Christ is the Blessed Hope for us, all who believe in Christ Jesus,
Being led by His staff and rod; are all who have this hope in God.
Hope in God the world does not have, so they use political salve,
While leaders say believe in me, and we’ll have peace and safety,
A tactic that’s perpetrated by, Satan, leading all to the ultimate lie,
That he alone is Almighty God, to be worshiped by all on this sod,
All shall only get darker dear friend, as this Age comes to an end,
Men spoofed and souls deceived, as Truth, they haven’t received,
Yet, they’ll believe words of men; deceptive lies of how and when,
Peace will be ushered in by them, a plan God above will condemn!
The world’s lack of righteousness, can weary those in Christ Jesus,
While in this world we are annoyed, but, in Christ we are overjoyed,
In our Hope, that’s beyond this world, in a time that is yet unfurled,
That time we’ll enter into Eternal Life, with our Savior, Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©06/2012 Bob Gotti)
