
"Watch Me Fly Away"

If I die tomorrow... what I had with you today...
Means more to me than anything... I could ever write or say,
I can't imagine anything... more beautiful than you...
If only I could steal your heart... and make you love me too,
There's nothing in this world... that could make me look away...
If you said those words I long to hear... and promised me you'd stay,
There's nothing that I'd ever want... and nothing that I'd need....
For when your laying in my arms... I feel so complete,
I used to thinkĀ I knew love... as I hide behind regret...
But what I used to think was love... I wish I could forget,
I look at you...and what I feel.. makes me realize...
All the years.. I threw away.. and the wasted tears I've cried,
Your every dream I've ever had... every wish I ever made...
Your the cool breeze across my skin.... caressing as it fades,
This life I'd give tomorrow... to have you one more day...
Then cast my ashes to the wind... and watch me fly away.
