Esther Thornburg

Things Collected

Who is the collector?
Things saved, protected,
Organized well
Stories it tells.

Many pencils, from days before,
Is one like yours?
A message it provides
Written on its sides.

Collector's tractors restored
A Deere, a Massey, a Ford.
Polished to shine
Top of the line.

Book shelf is filled
Great thoughts still,
Choice books they've read
Remember what they said?

Picture covered cookie cans
Ignite a childhood plan.
Decoration above the cabinet shelf
But not for "help your self".

Quilt pieces, a bright stash,
Not colors that clash.
Stithes on display
A gift when needed, someday.

Blossom liked window sill,
Flowers blooming still
Violets of many shades
Lined up, as on parade.

Before time is gone
Collections should move on.
They were fun to save.
It is information they gave.
