
I wish I had the guts to tell you

When i look at you, i see the most beautiful girl in the world
With problems that would crush a normal person's soul
But you bear your sorrows like a true heroine
And all I can wish for is that you'd want
To share those sorrows with me

But I'm scared as hell that when i tell you how i really feel
You'll push me away because you're in love with someone else
And that you'll refuse to talk to me
Because it's all too much for you to handle
So I'm torn apart inside wether i should tell you how i feel

I know you didn't ask for this
I know I have the worst timing in the world
I know I'm jeopardizing whatever it is we have
But if you are reading this that means
I can't take the pain inside anymore
And have to let my feelings out

That leaves me with just one question
Do you have the same feelings for me?
No matter what your answer may be
I'll always be there when you are in need
Just remember that I am and always will be in love with you
