Skalny Kwiat

Magic Wand... a poem for kids :)

Magic Wand

In my very private land
I can use the magic wand.
Spin it fast – you get blast.
Spin it slow – you will grow.

Use your inner light at once
and imagine… what a chance!
Think of things you can change,
laugh at fun you’ll arrange!
Talking doors, square-head pets
fruity veggies, biking jets,
bubblegum delicious chops,
fluffy snakes and lemon drops.
Rollerblading bears and dolls,
never ending ice-cream cones,
blue spaghetti, shoo-fly pie,
chocolate-mint clouds in the sky.
Jolly Giants, crazy ghosts,
dragons in the pink hair bows,
boxing fox in puffed-up socks
and other fancy fantasy folks.

Would you like to be my guest?
Not a problem, have a guess…
There is a secret magic word
that opens every kind of door…
Here is a CLUE
just for you:
Imagination is a little bright light… It illuminates all you know… and more.

 (c) Katarzyna Georgiou
z tomiku "Imagination's Light - Funky Poems for Kids" :)
