
Declared by wars

Declared by wars…

Declare against our worlds are sins.

Their dreadful sins are anthem sing.

Our China perils cause by miffs.

AS dickens anger comes to me.

With battle pitches kill our worst.

For seven unions get the forces.

Declared by wars are tyrants’ losses.

By nightmares all are dreams that toss.

For ginger groups are best to take.

Take and follow
all will make.

Pull in groups
are evil races.

Link and fixed
are radar traces.

Uncle Sam may
test our ways.

Run for tops are
china days.

Run for tops is
china mad.

Run amok and
kill are bad.

charged are china masks.

Wars are bloods
are deaths are tars.

Cert of guns is
tyrants’ tools.

Perils china
called by fools.

Shun Sang=Cauchy3----------
