
A Stroll to the Never Ending

The dark baths my breath
clears my head
thoughts turned to crystal
cleanse the senses
traveling down the fogged expanses
grasp the air that twirls before me
wrap my limbs in the numb caresses
bite my skin were the frost touches
wafting in the windless whims
of silence
ghosts of sounds contort
believing its just the dark
sightless fallacies soar beyond vision edges
rolling, searching, and being misled
a-washed in petrichor the land emits
heady fragrances to guide my progress
detaching my interests
ignorant of time
past its reach of eternity
swathed in the empty space existences
to drip the taste of forever upon my tongue
its honeyed cloying, sickeningly so
burnt into my lips is the seal of burdened dreams
grazed my fingers along its seam
unraveled into another blackness
limitless irony trapped in the freedom of my dark
flicker past each expanse one after itself
marked by nothing and beginning from nowhere
following my senses, so absolved by this dark
turned mindless by this stroll to the never ending
