Jock Engelman

A New Perspective Of An Old World

The floor boards tremble to the rhythmic sound;
Combined with the stamping feet on the ground;
The screeches and growls bounce off the walls;
Completely surrounded, yet alone;
The fruitless ringing of a mobile phone;
The clashing of bodies, fully unheard;

A scene of such beauty, yet such horror;
As coloured lights spin over the walls and floor;
I cant even feel my heart beat its beat;
Vision blinded by red, white, and blue lights;
Unable to tell the day, from the night;
People streaming in from all over town;

Nostrils assaulted by terrible scents;
Mixed with the sights and sounds this world presents;
Engineers this feeling of estacy;
My shouts, shrieks, and screems are masked by the band;
Each tone strummed by the magical hand;
Here I belong, at this metal concert;
