


What is our destiny? 
Is it searching the world, 
hoping to find who we really are, 
or is it..trying to forget about the past, 
so we can move on with our lives.
Take horses..for example, mustangs, 
running wild..through an open field, 
or running through..the wilderness, 
through creeks and streams, 
splashing...with their helds..held low, 
hoping..that someone will come
give them a name..and claim their own.
Giving them that glimps of hope, 
that someone, in this confusing world, loves them.
that's their destiny.
Our destiny..should be like theirs, 
we need to have the strength and courage, 
to figure out who we are, 
to search high and low and fight, 
for what we really want.
Because, if you think about it, 
we are just like...wild mustangs, 
all we want, is for someone to care about us, 
to wonder where we are at night, 
to comfort us through troubled times, 
to laugh and celebrate with us, 
when we've just accomplished something.
and just like wild mustangs, 
we don't want to be tamed, 
all we to be free.
and I believe, in my heart, that....
that's..our destiny, 
to be free, but to know that
nomatter how long or far this journey takes us, 
we will always have a family and a home. 
