Elton Camp

Each To His Own Taste

Each to His Own Taste
By Elton Camp
For eating raw meat I surely don’t care
But I have some friends who order it rare
There are some who simply adore pate
I refuse to eat food produced that way
To many, sushi is a gourmet’s delight
But I can hardly abide it within my sight
Way over in China, it’s dogs that they eat
And some greedily devour chicken feet
Some folks taste runs to eating of veal
I find a cow’s little calf too hard to steal
Others, over chitlins, will just have a fit
I can’t eat something that smells like shit
Pickled hog feet I often see in the store
That’s another that I absolutely abhor
The meat market sells pig’s tails and ears
That I’d vomit, suh fare bring on fears
And I hear there are people who eat rat
And even skin and cook a fleabag cat
“Each to his own taste,” the man did vow
As he tenderly kissed his old milk cow

