Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 10 april 2015

I'm Not Living In Stealth Mode

my image might be a fright in your sight
but that doesn't mean I bite

I don't have a college degree
But that doesn't mean I am not wise enough to know the difference between darkness and light

I may not be a Pastor or a Rabbi
But I can still share with your the words of Jesus who has the power to lead you from death and into abundant eternal life

My talents may not fetch silver or Gold
But that doesn't mean they aren't gifts from God
But that doesn't mean they aren't  anointed for the service of God's kingdom

I may not have a popular name
I may not have power and wealth
That doesn't mean I live in stealth mode

But thats not going to stop me from turning the world upside down
To introduce the hungry to  the name of The Bead Of Life
 Jesus The Christ.

Written By Stephen J. Vattimo
July 25 2014

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 23 may 2014

Can You Come Out And Play?

Can you come out and Play?
Steal the key from the warden.
Unlock the shackle that keep you trapped inside.
It's a beautiful day
Come out and play?
Don't hanging silently on the wall with the other wall flowers.
It's time to break free and express your self.
Don't be afraid to sing a different tune.
We are not all created to be the same at this elevation.
So you don't have to play it safe .
You can buck against the hypnotic beat that is echoing through the radio and the television stations .
Can you come out and play?
Don't be afraid to go against the flow of yesterday.
To day is a gift from God  to make a new vibration.
It's time to go out and play.
Life is like playing a musical instrument  in a hall.
The walls are people.
the hall is time.
Be wise in the song you play,
For your words and actions will  echoing  off the people and  be carried down through the halls of time. 
Can you come out and Play?
Will you make A difference today?
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo
Feb 18 2013

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 27 september 2015

The Glory Of A Tree Or A Branch Of A Vine

Fortune and Fame,
Is this the root of the value of your name?
If all your valued were stripped away,
would be like a tree who leaves were stolen away by the winds of a hurricane?
In the eye of a watching world,
would you appear to be like a hopeless tree,
stand in the forest with naked branches and rotted out roots?
If you were like a branch that was grafted into a healthy strong vine named Jesus The . Nazarene.
Though the hurricanes will come and go and steel your fortune and fame
Your branches will never remain naked.
For the vine's root will never rot.
For the  vine is the source of eternal life and has over come the power behind the force of the hurricanes.
The branch that abides in the vine will always renew it's fruit.
Which is your fortune and fame rooted in?
Are you a tree standing alone in the forest try to produce your own glory?
Are you a branch grafted the vine name Jesus The Nazarene?
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo
Sept 12, 2015

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 12 june 2015

Wild Flowers

Wild flowers
They spring up to life,in the field where The Creator plants them
They are nurtured buy sun ,water,and feral soil,
They proclaim the glory of the artistry of their Creator
They grow and multiple until  they reach their glorious peak   
They wither,and fade into dust and are no more
All is orchestrated by the Creator's hand
Wild flowers
Artists praise your beauty,and try to capture your glory with paints on canvas
Farmers detest you presence ,and toil to remove you from the soil
For in their eyes you are nothing but a weed that competes and hinders the growth of their valued crops.
Wild flowers
Man is like the wild flower of the field
They spring to life in the world where The Creator has  placed them
They are nurtured and blessed from the helplessness of  infancy to the glory of adulthood by the hand of The Creator
Some grow to have families ,some grow alone
Some grow toward the Son of their Creator,some grow toward another in darkness
They all reach their peak of their glory,
Then they wither,fade into dust and are no more
All is orchestrated by the Creator's hand
Wild flowers
In the soil of some people's hearts a relationship with a wild flower was cultivate,and appreciated for it beauty.
In the soil of some people's hearts a relationship with a wild flower was uprooted and valued as a weed that  competed and hinders the growth of their dreams .
Wild flowers
Relationship are like wild flowers
They will only live,grow,become a thing of thriving beauty,if we nurture them.
When a wild flower fades and withers away their is no seance of singing it's praise
If we didn't do so while it was alive.
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo 
June 7, 2015

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 10 april 2015

Black Sheep Washed Whiter Than Snow

Jesus frees
If you will believe

Cast away your wondering around in your dark past
Start traveling along His lighted path
you will see that Jesus frees
If you will believe

I started my journey as a  black sheep in the fold
always rolling in the wrong direction
 So I was starved for affection
I was abandoned by the fold

Instead of hanging me from a tree
They leave me in a dense dark forest
In the care of the hands of the wolves

The Father to the Fatherless closes the hungry mouths of the wolves
He safely lead me back to my fold
Though I try to roll in harmony with the fold
I could not win their affection
I recieved their rejection
Because in their I eyes I was still  the black sheep of the fold

They  curioused me out of the fold
They thought I would never be a successful sheep
They thought I would roll in the direct of a pig
Spending my days wallowing in the mud
becoming nothing more than a dud
My journey would end on a heap pile of crud

I once again was  abandoned to the dark dense woods
The home of the hungry wolves

I found the woods were cold with rejection
No flames of affection to warm oneself by
Blinded by darkness ,for there was no hope to provide light
Wandering around lost ,for there was no direction

Then The Father to the Fatherless
The Good Shepherd
Called out to me

He said," You don't have to be lost any more."
"Join my fold."

"I will never neglect you."
"I will never reject you."
"I will never eject you."

"Cast away your wondering around in your dark past."
"Come let Me make you a new creation,old thing are done away with."
"Let Me guide you along the lighted path of abundant life. "

" For I am Jesus, I have come to set you free!"

" If you will believe you will see."

Written Stephen J. Vattimo
Oct 04 2014

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 13 september 2018

The Wild Mouse Ride

Up and downUpright than upside-downNightmareRoller coaster ride never subsidesStatistical clown operating the rideDoing timeWithout committing a crimeLife without hope in Jesus Christ
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo Sept 12, 2018

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