Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 28 maja 2014

Mother Nature's Redeemer

What was the crown of thorns fore ?
Why was it hammered to Jesus' brow ? 
Like forcing a nail through a piece of wood.
Was it a badge of mockery toward the Jewish leaders?
 Fore pressing Pilate to crucify  a man he proclaimed to fine no fault there in.
What was the crown of thorns fore ?
Was the crown of thorns Mother Nature's representative ?
For she needed to be redeemed from the cruse  of sin.
Redeemed from suffering under the Agents of Darkness ,Devour,Destruction,Decay.
Just as the first man Adam through the act of disobedience ,sold Mother Nature into slavery.
To The ownership of The Archangel  of  deception,insurrection,  and Devourer of Souls.
Mother Nature Was  purchased out of slavery by God,and she will be set free from the presence and power of the Prince Of The Power Of The Air.
Fore  the purchase price to set Mother nature free ,
 was for  the sinless Son Of Man,The Son Of God,to wear the Crown of thorn on His brow.
  while out of perfect obedience to the Father , 
He was offering his life on the cross as a ransom to purchase sinful man back to God.
This is why Jesus wore The crown of thorns .
Written By Stephen J. Vattimo  Sept 30 2012 

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 23 maja 2014

Can You Come Out And Play?

Can you come out and Play?
Steal the key from the warden.
Unlock the shackle that keep you trapped inside.
It's a beautiful day
Come out and play?
Don't hanging silently on the wall with the other wall flowers.
It's time to break free and express your self.
Don't be afraid to sing a different tune.
We are not all created to be the same at this elevation.
So you don't have to play it safe .
You can buck against the hypnotic beat that is echoing through the radio and the television stations .
Can you come out and play?
Don't be afraid to go against the flow of yesterday.
To day is a gift from God  to make a new vibration.
It's time to go out and play.
Life is like playing a musical instrument  in a hall.
The walls are people.
the hall is time.
Be wise in the song you play,
For your words and actions will  echoing  off the people and  be carried down through the halls of time. 
Can you come out and Play?
Will you make A difference today?
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo
Feb 18 2013

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 23 maja 2014

Freed Soul

Tortured soul
Struggling to survive another day of  wearing the chains of voluntary  slavery,to earn my keep.
Struggling to labor with my fellow slaves,
some try to cut me like glass,
while other try to break my bone like rocks.
Tortured soul
Long to break free from these chains that hold me to the ground.
Longing to spread wrings of creativity,to earn my keep.
Souring on the winds of Art,poetry,comedy.
Rising from the dust of a tortured soul to the rebirth of a fulfilled soul.
Using the God given gifts of creativity to bring color into A gloomy world.
That fellow slave to sin,may open their hearts of glass or stone  to God,that through His Holy spirit  their hearts will become like clay.
So God can mold them into the beautiful image of his Son.
Written by Stephen J .Vattimo
Sept 19 2013

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 14 maja 2014

Hoodwinked By The Destroyer Of Nations

Modern Philosophy
Pet  Psychiatry
High Technology
These entities become the demigod 
We have place our country under it's authority
Holy Spirit
The God our nation crawled after
For protection
For provision
For guidance 
Our nation grew up
It was  nurture
It was blessed
It progressed
Then at a Opportune  time
The Destroyer Of Nations whispered deceitful words in our ears
That diluted our minds
 with the thoughts that  all our blessing were from the works of our own hands
That poisoned our heart against God
We became un thankful
We became disobedient 
We filed away God with all the methodological  deities 
We erected new alters to worship our new  demigod of
Modern philosophy
Pet  Psychiatry
High Technology
 The blessing  of our demigod on our nation are 
Salvation for our country is only one step back
Turn back to The God of This countries youth .
Written By Stephen J.Vattimo
October 26 2013

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 11 maja 2014

Glass Prism

My spectrum of  self expression is not captured in a portrait of black and white.
My artistic talent are received from One source of  pure light.
Passing through me like  a  glass  prism, expressing them in diversity of colors in my life.
Christ is my muse,
But in this life I will reflect His image  like a polished piece of metal.
Not perfectly clear like a glass mirror,
because their are shades of gray in my vinear.
My spectrum of  self expression is not captured in a portrait of black and white.
One day I will step into the presence of the source of pure light.
His spectrum of  glory will blot out the existence of black and white.
My impurity will be berried in my grave,
I will enter His glory resurrected in the perfect image of Christ. 
In that day my spectrum of artistic talent will be perfected through One Source Of light. 
I can't wait,
Because My spectrum of  self expression is not captured in a portrait of black and white.
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo
Nov 28,2013

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 3 maja 2014

Stand Strong

Stand strong
In the dark don't allow your knees to grow weak
Stand strong
Be fore your adversary your strength will peak 
If you seek the Spirit of  the Humble and the meek
People with cold stone heart seek to devour people
Using weapons they have fashioned  from their mean streak
while they stumble around weak and lost in the dark
People with warm hearts of clay 
will find there way through the dark  following the light of faith
Using the shield of peace and the sword of Truth to ward of the attack of the  adversary 
Stand strong 
Don't fret  when some days you are met with the elements of weariness and dreariness
The Holy Spirit heals a weather beaten soul that is open to Him
Stand strong
Don't allow adversity to erode your God given hopes and dreams
Through faith in Christ all will overcome our adversary in this world
Stand strong
In the dark don't allow your knees to grow weak
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo
April 12, 2014

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