Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Faith and Common Sense

Somebody said, "Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to."
I honestly am not sure what the author of that quote meant by that. But as for me, I believe that a wise believer uses his faith without having to absolutely abandon common sense. And I just can't understand why these hyper-faith fanatics seem to be dreadful about it. They say, "Your faith journey begins where your common sense ends." I mean, does the use of common sense really have to affect your faith?
What I learned as a young Christian thinker is that common sense is not necessarily contradictory with faith; there are just things about faith that are incomprehensible compared to the things about common sense. Through common sense, you understand the basic things about life. And through faith, you know that there is One True God who authored these basic things. And also through faith, you understand that God works through both natural and supernatural ways to accomplish His wonderful plan (Romans 8:28).

Consequently, you will appreciate the orderliness of God's creation all the more. And so, your faith is given a boost, with you knowing how good and amazing the One True and Sovereign Creator God is.
Just a random thought.
