Gert Strydom

Day of days

Such a day occurs, begin
when the flowers shower bees
and butterflies with sweet nectar
drawing them in,
in a celebration to spring
when the spring rain falls
with the sun shining bright
reflecting its light on every raindrop
and flowers, trees and grass
jump in length, growing as if by magic
when the yellow gooseberries are in fruit,
when every fruit tree bares to its capacity
and more than all of this,
when you are with me,
smiling as if your face is alight,
filled with its own hot rays, in a radiance
almost as bright a the sun,
when the sky is cobalt blue, or a darker hue,
when your eyes tell me that you are true
and the signs of love are everywhere
around me, around us
as if God Himself is walking on earth,
again treading among mere men
and all men act as each other’s brothers
and joy, happiness and sincerity
does blossom like the flowers.
