Young Poet


Sorry this isnt a poem  i couldnt figure else where to put it but please read it and leave a comment thanks! 
It was 2 o clock in the morning and there was a dark
figure walking down the road. He had a dark cloak around him. He looked very
mysterious. The figure was walking towards 25 Maple Avenue. I wonder why? I
decided to follow him. My name is Brian, I am fifteen years old and I live by
myself. The rest of my family is dead because of cancer. I spent a few years in
foster homes always moving. So I decided to fake my death so I could start
fresh. Anyway back to the dark figured man. I was following behind him being
careful not to make any sounds. I suddenly stepped on a stick and he turned.
But before he saw me I ducked behind a tree. I peeked out and saw him a few
metres away but getting closer slowly. I looked into his hood and
saw………….Nothing…. But that’s impossible! I thought to myself. The dark figure
said “Come out, come out wherever you are Brian”. I was scared and shocked. How
did he know my name? His shrill voice sounded like sandpaper. He came closer
and I bolted, I ran like the wind. I looked back and he was only a metre away.
I ran into my house and locked the door. He banged on the front of the door. So
I looked through the little spy hole and saw that he was holding a big black
scythe. I was so scared I literally jumped out of my skin! I screamed yet again
and ran upstairs forgetting to lock the back doors. The banging stopped, for a
few minutes I thought he had left. But then I heard him saying “ Come out
wherever you are little Brian ill find you eventually”. I ran into my room and
him underneath my bed. I heard him coming upstairs. Checking every room as he
walked past. My room was at the end of the hallway I was trapped. He talked yet
again and said “ I know your in here….” He opened the door and walked in. He
swung his scythe at me but missed. I tripped and crashed out of the window. I
rolled on the ground and intense pain filled my right leg, I think I broke it.
I tried to get up but couldn’t move. So I just lay on the road waiting for it
to be over. The man/ creature was slowly taking his time walking towards me,
swinging his scythe. He finally reached me and sighed “I hate killing innocent
people but it’s my job”. “Who who are you” I said in a scared voice. “Don’t you
know yet? I am your worst nightmare the end of everyone’s lives. I am death” He
He swung his scythe at me and I died.
