Angela Lucius


by Angela Lucius

Bitter and biting the winter wind blows.
Grey clouds hang heavy, laden with snow.
The leaves have all fallen, brittle and brown,
A warm blanket of death, now covers the ground.

The naked trees shiver with ice on their tips
Where ice cycles hang and cold water drips
The birds are now quiet with cold winter's hush
The autumn rain puddles are now pools of mush.

The dew drops are frozen like petals of glass
Waiting for the warmth of the sun on the grass
The fire light crackles, it's embers glow red
And I'm wrapped in a blanket from toe to my head

And as the wind whistles a tune thru the trees
And the winter raindrops freeze to snow in the breeze
I think of you now and wish you were here
And the frost on my heart melts into warm tears.
