George Krokos

George Krokos, 14 january 2012

The Cost Of Living

The cost of living is the price we pay
for all those things we need each day
and when calculated over a period of time
works out to a figure that’s likely to climb.
And if our wants go far beyond our needs
we have to get paid well then for our deeds.
But if what we earn can’t match that pace
we’ll have to slow down and not lose face.
Or perhaps consider some additional means
to support what we take on as our routines.

When our lifestyle doesn’t make a hole in our pocket
and the cost of living where we are doesn’t skyrocket
then the rate of inflation there is said to be low
so we can afford to buy those things we know.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 18 march 2013

Simple Observation 97 - There are so many people...

There are so many people in this world who daily can’t get enough to eat
yet there are also many others having too much and still are not complete.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 21 january 2012

Accustomed To Her Face

Out of the dark I see a face
one of beautiful and sincere complex
I wish I knew when that face would come
and guide me to a better place.
This face, I seem to know from somewhere
It still exists, not only as a figment of my imagination,
but rather, one in a desperate situation for me.
That face whose is it? but someone's
Those eyes, what do they see? but a story
Her mouth and lips, what could they do?
but speak and smile to me.
That expression, whose is it? but mine to see;
I try and understand the message conveyed.
Has it ever occurred to anyone that it might be the one for me?
In a world of fantasy I deem she's mine,
but who else could she belong to?
I find it hard to realise the position
of what I have witnessed has put me in.
Who would possibly keep her away from me?
but someone like myself, I'm sure she knows.
It is the only answer I can offer.
Then I may have a twin in the world;
perhaps my one and only adversary
in my love dream yet to come true.
The face has gone back into the gloom
Her face has gone...............................

Why did she appear as if with news?
Back into the past I think for clues....
Not just to haunt or torment me it seems
but to remind me that she exists in reality.
Not only just as someone out of my dreams
making the hope of finding her an actuality.

Note: A very early poem written many years ago.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 21 january 2012

Sound Advice

No matter what you really do
Just keep the thought in mind
That you will see it all through.

Don't feel disheartened in between
Just apply yourself the best you can
And the goal will then one day be seen.

Choose your time wisely and do not brood
Just try to achieve if only to prove to yourself
And don't ever allow anything upset your mood.

Keep a firm check on the thoughts in your head
Just take one step at a time and always do your best
Strive with determination and you will succeed instead.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 6 january 2012

Paradise Found

Up the mountainous path we climbed
through the ridges and valleys we walked
seeking adventure of a peculiar sort.
Down the steep ravines we paced
stopping at times to catch our breath
and to view the lovely country ahead.
On and on we made our way
until at dusk we were exhausted.
It would be here where we would make our stay
in an area that seemed to be lightly forested.
Under a clear night sky bright with stars shinning
we settled down eager to refresh ourselves and
made preparations to share our meal for the evening
seeming perhaps like some fugitive band.
A restful and joyous sleep we had that night
one that exceeded our expectations.
Some enchanted evening we experienced
one that was followed by no disillusionment;
awakening to the sweet fragrance of flowers and other delights.
It was as if we were in paradise it seemed ................

We all looked around and beheld in awe
the serenity and beauty surrounding us all.
There were flowers of many types and hues
and fruit bearing trees from which to choose.
There were various animals at a stream nearby
and birds flying overhead in the clear blue sky.
There was everything here for us to see
that we almost no longer thought could be.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 27 january 2012

Ode To Mankind


To the majority of people who seem to have lost touch
this is presented as a declaration to be treated as such.
And just for the world's deteriorating natural environment
of which we're all a contributing cause by our embodiment.
We hardly ever stop and consider how wasteful a life we lead
but continue on for the sake of progress despite our real need.


O mankind of this planet called Earth!
What is the purpose of Human birth?
You are here only for just a short time,
why not make the most of your prime?
You turn hither and thither all over the place
away from yourselves and thus fall from grace.
You're always looking for treasure out there
yet, most of the time, you end up in despair.
You usually hold on to the things that pass away
and short lasting values are the order of the day.
You create and get involved in all sorts of strife,
complicating an otherwise beautiful simple life.
You want easily to know all of life's secrets
and go about seemingly without any regrets.
You crowd your own heart with many selfish desires
and go vying for the things the other person acquires.
You do seldom ever stop and reflect on your past
nor consider how much longer the present will last.
You deem everything to be unchanging and real
and think that life is a mysterious one way deal.
You're always the one who either gains or loses
one thing or another depending on who chooses.
You esteem progress of the economical and material
and go hankering madly after the status of the imperial.
You generally prefer to receive than to give or share
and take delight in sense pleasures without much care.
You are very skeptical about the worth of any spiritual ideals
and often reject or ignore what another person sees and feels.
You kill your own kind with or without much reason
and the weather you unknowingly put out of season.
You tend to think there's nothing more than what can be seen
and rely much on the senses for most of that which you glean.
You find it hard to acknowledge a power higher than your own
and in the entire universe somehow believe that you are alone.
You have desecrated and laid waste vast areas of land
and made extinct many of the creatures by your hand.
You have carelessly polluted a lot of the water, land and air
and now wonder why it's no longer the same place out there.
You have strangled the earth; strapped it down with cement and mortar
cut down and burnt most of the trees that were giving food and shelter.
You celebrate your own birth or death with much pomp and show
yet beyond this present life very little are you ever willing to know.
You know well the term "from dust we came and to dust we return"
but what you are really, or can become, will apparently never learn.
You think only that you are made of bones, flesh and blood,
wondering how on earth you could get wiped out by a flood.
You do not fathom the effects or results of your actions
assuming what you get away with has no repercussions. 

You must realise that you live in a huge world of duality
and don't have to endure the pairs of opposites infinitely;
pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, love and hate, good and bad,
friend and foe, day and night, heat and cold, rich and poor it's sad
the list does go on and on indefinitely it seems
even beyond that we experience in our dreams.
We should avoid going to the extremes of these
then we can get to rise above them and so please
our True Self which is the inner witness of our existence
remaining forever unchanging not showing any resistance.
But usually coming through as the voice of conscience sometimes
like the law of justice towards the severity of small or great crimes.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 14 january 2012

Ode To The Sun

O glorious dear sun, sovereign of the day, in the sky above
you’re one whose radiance resembles a little of God’s love;
by nurturing all creatures in the world with your unique rays
and setting such a high standard that homage everyone pays.

The Earth and all known planets habitually revolve around thee
as children do their parents whose offspring they happen to be.
Your emissary in the night sky, the moon, a bright reflection is
serving us as a reminder of thy glory while displaying all of his.

You shine on one and all and no discrimination ever make
regardless of who they are and what they do for their sake.
It is no wonder then that people have worshipped you as a deity in the past
and even now continue to do so in ways associated with the weather forecast.

When your light is obstructed by clouds all seems to be sombre and grey
but when the sky is clear your majestic presence illumines the whole day.
The whole world in fact dances to thy rhythmic score which has been set
and plays itself out daily as the dawn and dusk through a yearly quartet.

You have such a strong influence on all life as we know it here
that whether we like it or not you’re a symbol of hope and cheer.
Though it has also been noted that you sometimes have an extreme side
but this depends on the whims of nature to which all things must abide.

All in all to the naked eye you alone reign supreme in the sky’s vast firmament
but to those who see further you’re one of countless others which you represent.
The stars in the night sky are your brothers and sisters no matter how distant they be
some being greater and brighter, but made of the same basic stuff, in the cosmic sea.

There are so many secrets hidden in your bosom which are yet to be revealed
that if and when the time comes much is to be known about life still concealed.
In fact the power and energy that flows to us from you I daresay has a divine source
because you yourself are a centre and beacon of a universal benign and creative force.

And just as you really give so much and seem to ask for nothing in return
I humbly offer this ode to you in praise which by your inspiration did learn.
And although most intelligent creatures hold you in such high esteem
please also acknowledge our debt to you for allowing us to daydream.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 14 january 2012

Friend's Reunion

With a warm and loving feeling deep in my heart
I welcome you this moment right from the start.
We haven't seen each other for such a long time
I do hope you will appreciate hearing this rhyme.

Many things happened during the long break
it was almost as if our friendship was at stake.
Yet somehow love has found a way to bring us together                      
I'll never forget this moment and will cherish it forever.

I vaguely remember the time of our last meeting
so please bear with me now this overdue greeting.
Though time hasn't diminished the joy I still feel
being with you is the only moment which is real.

You are the true friend anyone wouldn't like to lose
your presence in my heart and mind I couldn't choose.
Some say that familiarity usually breeds contempt
but our relationship is such that we do not resent.

You need me just as much as I need you
and are with me always - how very true.
We are the lover and beloved and love is our game
of separation and reunion being eternally the same.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 10 january 2012

Untitled 3

I have engrossed it in my mind
what is missing, what should be mine.
But how hard it is, to get it, in this life of ours.
Oh! how I wish I had not come into it somehow.
I have waited so long, searched so deep
Its meaning, I'm sure will not wear away.
But, what meaning?
Oh Yes!, I know now and vaguely remember
how it was like, but it wasn't for long!
The above poem is a very early piece. 

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 30 december 2011

The Phenomenon Of Love

It's now time to say goodbye and bid each other farewell
we may yet see one another again perhaps, who can tell?
The paths of our life often cross over familiar ground
and so in the days of our lives those memories hound.

How sweet life seems when everything goes well
but when misfortune strikes it becomes like hell.
The experience of life always has an opposite side
and things we once valued most no longer provide.

When we turn our back to love the heart inside us does shrink
and the vacuum created there will cause many to reach a brink.
In certain matters of love we're all found to be a little wanting
but then the true object of all our love is the most demanding.

If love comes our way the world seems full of joy
and each moment feels as if it's a wonderful ploy.
The grace of love is quite blissful while it does last
and the pleasure of the beloved is the main repast.

Everyone in the world has at least one tale of love to recite
regardless even of their situation and any condition despite.
Whether it be one of woe that only brings sadness to the heart
or one that's joyful relating of lovers who are no longer apart.

The phenomenon of love is the story of an ever ongoing human saga
with a broken or joyous heart many people sing about as their raga.
Its consumation lies in the fulfilment of love with lover and beloved
and the glory of this end only those brave enough have discovered.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 30 december 2011

Past, Present and Future

Thoughts and ideas like those of a sage
(or are they memories of a bygone age?)
flash in my mind now and set the stage
of what there soon again may likely be
when for a while here we become free
and without any clouds the horizon see.

The past is always there to look back and reflect upon
not to live in as a prisoner that seeks no escape from.
The present is the current moment where we are now
always looking for a direction which to go somehow.
The future is what we can all really make it out to be
if in our mind we’re strong and clear in what we see.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 4 january 2012

Each Other

I look at you from every practical angle
and the more I look at you the more I know.
We speak to each other, share each other's feelings,
live each other's fear; hate from another.
We seek out each other's love;
I love you more than words can say, you know that well.
Some others cannot understand the way we feel,
cannot think the way we do.
They fail to understand their one another
as others cannot understand each other.
They are not us, for we have each other.

We were a part of them for oh, so long!
before we found each other.
You remember the way we were
without love and understanding.
The way we are now sharing and caring for each other.
Days gone by were, here no more,
full of sorrow without each other.
Optimistic in our lives of each other's existence,
days of future passed now are passing.
Love is endlessly searching our lives thoroughly,
every moment is an excellent opportunity.
There is no ending loving each other.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 6 january 2012

About War!

Bitter conflict!
The earth is crying blood
Life is dying!
People are turning against each other
We turn against ourselves and walk away.
Never to return?
Ever so gently, softly
We turn around and walk together, bleeding.
Slowly, injured life is healing.
A mark remains,
Yet becomes hidden by the spoils of life.
Life likes living.
Do we know what life is?
We certainly don't know without it!
Does it know what it is?
It only likes living.
For what?
For us to realise this!
Ha! and yet we destroy it
carelessly, thoughtlessly.
One instant,
life is going to destroy itself.
Because it is lonely living
in a world where
we do not like living with it.

The way we came about together
- one giving one receiving.
But now it is a different story.
A story that might not be told
in life, except death.
The Soul of man 
Is the child of Life
Who are we to pass judgement?
but fools in the eyes of Truth!

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 1 april 2013

Quatrain 111 - "To be or not to be?"...

"To be or not to be?" is not really the vital question in a person's life to ask
"Who am I?" is instead the one whose answer to find is our life's main task.
When the truth of the answer to that question is realised or becomes known
the transition from common manhood to Godhood in Reality one has grown.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 10 january 2012

A Hymn To Him

Thou art in the sun, sky, earth and air
Oh Lord Beloved You are everywhere.
In all the creatures of the land and sea
You are the one that has made them be.

In the soil where all good things are grown
And heavenly space of which little is known.
Within us all and outside
In everything You do abide.

Thou doth knowest all within your being
When we, Thy children, are clearly seeing;
By Your grace earned from many good deeds done
In remembrance of Thee from where we have come.

Our love to You we should all gladly give
From our hearts wherein You always live.
With all humble and loving devotional tears
My gratitude to You for dispelling our fears.

Thou art the One All-pervading and Omnipotent Divine Intelligence
Perceived and known directly through our personal experience.
The inner light reveals Thine eternal divine glory
Sincere love in worship of Thee, being most worthy.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 10 january 2012

Full Circle

I wonder what it takes to go full circle
and find my way back home to You?
Although I might be as slow as a turtle
Your love will guide me when I am true.

I’ll finish up then as I began just a child of Yours
having knocked on so many of life’s secret doors.
But even though I have yet to find all the right answers
at this stage of my life there have been some advances.

My feelings towards You now seem to have changed
but this shouldn’t be a reason for us to feel estranged.
Love’s the universal magnet that draws everything close together
we shouldn’t mind too much if we pass through stormy weather.

In a world of constant change there are many upheavals
but love often does get stronger when there’s a retrieval.
It’s something of a realisation by which we come to know
that as love completes a full circle perfection it will show.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 12 february 2012

The Age Of Chivalry

Back in the days of old
when knights were bold
who with a sword or lance
in armour sought romance.

It was the age of chivalry
long ago in man’s history
when to fight for a righteous cause
one did gain considerable applause.

It was mainly for show, love and glory
they deemed themselves being worthy
to capture the heart of some fair maiden
which was the most desired prize laden.

Oh, they would strike heavy blows
on all of their opponents and foes
in a one to one combat defying death
as crowds watched with abated breath.

Yes, it was far back in those days of yore
that courage and strength came to the fore
where there was this life and death struggle;
such issues at hand the knights would juggle.

And in fighting for their country, faith and king
noble impressions on people’s minds would ring
that even through the ages are held in high esteem
those knights in shinning armour do now all seem.

There are many legends based on their heroic exploits
a legacy of tales which have been told with much adroit
highlighting aspects of human wisdom related to virtue and vice
and the lessons to be learnt are those of goodness and sacrifice.

History usually repeats itself time and again
as it often happens a situation comes when
we’re asked to do something for a just cause
and acting with chivalry we shouldn’t pause.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 13 march 2012

Simple Observation 37 - To love and be loved is really .........

To love and be loved is really what life is mostly about
and all else are just stages we go through in finding out.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 6 march 2012

One Light: Three Primary Colours

Red is the colour of blood that flows in the body of all creatures given birth
Green is the colour of grass that like a carpet covers a lot of the soil of earth
Blue is the colour of sky that surrounds this world and is of an infinite girth
All three colours come from a Single Source having an Immeasurable worth.

Red is also the colour of danger and a symbol which indicates all to beware
Green is also the colour of the leaves that most of the plants and trees wear
Blue is also the colour of water that covers most of this world which is fair
Three colours are the original blend of all those others found in nature there.

Red is also the colour of anger, passion or pain that is expressed, felt and seen
Green is also the colour of something natural an indication of where it has been
Blue is also the colour of Infinity and the light glowing in a mind which is clean
And all three colours are shades of One Light the essence of all universal sheen.

Of all the three colours I like blue the most as it seems to be uniquely sublime
It speaks to me of loftier and deeper things that were experienced in my prime
It also represents the colour of the biggest phenomena known to man in time
Being a symbol of That in which all exists and from which all began to chime.

There are many other colors but as far as those which form the basis of technology there are only three i.e; as in a R.G.B. monitor and screen projector etc. 

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 24 january 2013

Simple Observation 87 - The old usually has to...

The old usually has to give way to the new
and then sooner or later its time comes too.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 28 february 2012

Simple Observation 34 - Everything that is true....

Everything that is true we can also usually prove to be such
but something that’s false may not be obvious even to touch.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 19 december 2012

Simple Observation 83 - People who have learnt to....

People who have learnt to always mind their own business are not really very wise
as there are many things to be aware of if they’re to survive without a compromise.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 23 february 2012

Quatrain 34 - God is the Infinite Love...

God is the Infinite Love, Wisdom and Beauty we are all seeking;
the Eternal Glory and the One True Friend really worth keeping.
Though we can't readily see Him with our worldly eyes
He is there just the same and without any compromise.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 19 february 2012

Simple Observation 30 - The stream of time always...

The stream of time always happens to flow in one direction
and in the immensity of space we’re the vehicle of reflection.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 6 february 2012

Quatrain 26 - Love is the power.....

Love is the power that makes the world go round
and helps keep both our feet firmly on solid ground.
Yet it has the virtue to lift us up when we are down
and to overcome obstacles which makes it renown.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 24 june 2013

Quatrain 121 - As long as the spirit of life is....

As long as the spirit of life is in the body and also the light of spirit is in the mind,
no one should lose hope as they embody the power within to enlighten their kind.
If we only knew how to permanently remove that darkness from within our head,
all the qualities of wisdom, truth, love and compassion will be found there instead.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 1 august 2015

Simple Observation 123 - Nothing in this world....

Nothing in this world was really made to last
not even our bodies in which we’ve been cast.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 15 april 2014

Simple Observation 118 - Everything that usually happens in life...

Everything that usually happens in life serves some higher purpose
even if whatever’s been going on or involved seems to be in surplus.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 19 february 2021

Backyard Cemetery

In the confines of the house's backyard
there are no marked graves at all to see
but an attempt will be made by this bard
to relate according to personal memory
of some creatures buried therein to be.

Over the course of many years gone by
various creatures have been laid to rest
in the soil of the yard's ground to comply
with an improvised simple funeral blest
by a short little prayer to end their quest.

There were a couple of cats it is recalled
one of them was within the property born
though with the other memory has stalled
which is not surprising and hardly forlorn
to blame or point at with a finger of scorn.

Then there were also a few local birds
mainly sparrows that were regularly fed
which flew all around and dropped turds
being a little distressing to find any dead
some due to after eating crumbs of bread.

They were preyed upon by neighbors' cats
and left for dead when they were disturbed
in their instinctual appetite that included rats
when by humankind were scared and curbed
due to their wild nature's feast so perturbed.

Then on occasion also mice would run free
which were seen coming through the fence
and when at times chased scurried up a tree
where they would hurry to get away thence
a similar burial applied if found dead hence.

It'd be so incomplete here not to mention
all those spiders and insects that had died
in some way or other due to a pretension
that their annoying habitual nature implied
to be poisoned or squashed in their stride.

They have all been buried in the backyard
in various places there that are not marked
laid to rest in the ground either soft or hard
under where others had roamed and barked
in the distant past after they were all carked.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 9 july 2013

Simple Observation 112 - Time spent wisely.....

Time spent wisely confers many a benefit
but time spent idly destroys man’s spirit.

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  10 - 30 - 100  

Other poems: A Sonnet For You and Me, Simple Observation 159 - From a fertile soil and sun...., Simple Observation 157 - Any time is...., Quatrain 169 - We all have the power...., Quatrain 167 - Look on the bright side...., SImple Observation 154 - Everyone carries with them..., Quatrain 165 - Success through a positive mental attitude..., On The Corona Virus (7 Senryu), Ignorance Personified, If Ignorance Isn't A Virtue....., Simple Observation 153 - If we could only...., Quatrain 164 - The rivers of the world...., On Social Distancing and Self Isolation, Better Off From The Start, Backyard Cemetery, Simple Observation 151 - It is said that lightning ....., On Meditation, Ode to Felicity, Why The Caged Bird Really Sings, Simple Observation 146 - After a new thing is acquired........, Quatrain 151 - Do not tarry too long by the wayside....., Never Lose The Laughter in Your Eyes, A Long Lost Love, A Bumble Bee Mystery, Simple Observation 144 - It’s the little things in life....., Quatrain 148 - Silence or definite action is ...., To A Wilting Rose, Autumn Whispers, The Secret Beyond Sleep, A New Year's Message, Simple Observation 142 - After we scale the heights....., Reserved For Love, Loss And Love, Sunlight In The Park, Simple Observation 140 - Out of all the things in our world....., Simple Observation 139 - It’s hard to be positive when ....., Quatrain 144 - Nobody can do for you what ....., Quatrain 141 - When you do your best ....., The Unseen Observer, Simple Observation 137 - The ocean is so very deep....., Quatrain 157 - The inner beauty of man....., The New Year's Resolution, Water, Transformation, Simple Observation 135 - To keep God in mind....., Simple Observation 133 - The grace of God has to do with....., Quatrain 149 - It's said that 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder' ...., Talking About Reality, Simple Observation 131 - Beware of the dust that....., Simple Observation 128 - To reverse the trend....., Quatrain 147 - The homecoming of the soul...., Quatrain 145 - Do not ever pretend to be....., Tribute to a Poet Saint, Simple Observation 125 - There are none who are farther...., Simple Observation 123 - Nothing in this world...., Quatrain 144 - Nobody can do for you...., Quatrain 141 - When you do your best...., The Universal Divine Plan, Simple Observation 121 - To look about and find fault with...., Simple Observation 119 - Where true love abounds..., Quatrain 138 - Great surely is the gift...., Quatrain 137 - The best things in life..., Collecting Pebbles, Simple Observation 118 - Everything that usually happens in life..., Simple Observation 115 - If somebody pretends to be..., Quatrain 135 - If your heart and mind are in ruins..., Quatrain 132 - Try putting yourself in the shoes.., The Highest Of The High, Love In Separation 1-5, Quatrain 129 - "They say there's a reason..., Quatrain 126 - When thine eyes become single..., Simple Observation 112 - Time spent wisely....., Simple Observation 111 - The light of intelligence....., No Ambition, Quatrain 125 - The eyes are said to be....., Quatrain 121 - As long as the spirit of life is...., Simple Observation 110 - To explore new territory....., Simple Observation 108 - There's good and bad...., Quatrain 119 - Ah! there's a vast world...., Quatrain 116 - There's good and bad wherever...., Simple Observation 105 - Whatever there is above can be seen......., Simple Observation 103 - There are so many things...., Universal Maintenance, Quatrain 114 - Without God as the center......, Quatrain 111 - "To be or not to be?"..., Simple Observation 101 - All life is an experience..., Simple Observation 99 - When opportunity knocks..., Australiana, Simple Observation 97 - There are so many people..., Simple Observation 94 - All throughout the course..., Quatrain 109 - Life was really meant to be easy..., Quatrain 107 - The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ..., The Most Sought After Thing, Quatrain 106 - The Divine Essence bestows..., Quatrain 104 - Familiarity does often..., Simple Observation 92 - In the infinitude of God's..., Simple Observation 89 - Something which is quite easily gained..., We All Have To Move On, Simple Observation 87 - The old usually has to..., Simple Observation 85 - All language is a..., Quatrain 101 - When ignorance still reigns..., Quatrain 99 - In this world...., The Time Will Come, Simple Observation 83 - People who have learnt to...., Simple Observation 82 - A fisherman casts his net out in..., Quatrain 97 - The ocean waves..., Quatrain 95 - All that we do have...., Simple Observation 81 - In perspective ...., Simple Observation 80 - Remove the cause of....., Quatrain 93 - With all of the technology...., Quatrain 91 - The tongue has no bones yet..., Simple Observation 78 - Someone who comes close to our heart...., Simple Observation 76 - Some things which have...., Quatrain 89 - We are all caught up in a..., Quatrain 87 - For whatsoever reason we do...., A Creature Of Habit, Simple Observation 74 - Forever is really just..., Simple Observation 73 - Our life in the body has to..., Quatrain 85 - There are records that we keep..., Quatrain 83 - Look steadily within at..., Collecting Pebbles, Simple Observation 71 - So much of our life is wasted ....., Simple Observation 69 - If obstacles always persist ....., Quatrain 81 - What is it that's the most ...., Quatrain 79 - Isn't it better really ...., A God Of Pain, Simple Observation 66 - Whatever good there may be hidden...., Simple Observation 64 - The fruits of our life..., Quatrain 76 - When the light of Love and..., Quatrain 73 - Do not ever lose hope..., The Seed And The Tree, Simple Observation 63 - The gifts and treasures of the Spirit..., Simple Observation 61 - Only someone who knows can impart..., Quatrain 72 - Where do you look, dear friend ..., Quatrain 71 - If and whenever in life...., Only Through The Heart And Eyes Of True Love, Simple Observation 59 - From one place to another......., Simple Observation 57 - Someone who thinks a lot may..., Quatrain 67 - Aim to achieve a worthy goal........, Quatrain 65 - God is within me and...., Universal Freedom Is....., Simple Observation 55 - There are more things in heaven and earth..., Simple Observation 53 - On the road to achievement..., Quatrain 62 - The book of the heart and soul...., Quatrain 60 - The Cause of God is...., Ode To Inspiration, Simple Observation 51 - In the workings of nature..., Simple Observation 49 - Where there's a difference of opinion..., Quatrain 56 - The light of true knowledge..., Quatrain 55 - Come, tell me...,

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